Streaming Services comparison
Side-by-side comparison of features, prices and reviews. Select up to 3 services
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Select filter as per your requirements
Free Trial Days
1 - 7
8 - 29
No of channels
1 - 50
51 - 150
151 - 1000
Live TV/ Video on Demand
Starting Price
$11 - $20
$21 - $50
DVR Storage
0 hours
50 hours
100 hours
250 hours
Popular Niche
Local Channels
No of Streams
2 - 3
4 - 5
Streaming Resolution
Supported Devices
Amazon Fire TV
Apple Tv
Google Chromecast
Android TV
Android Phone/Tablet
Samsung Smart TV
LG smart TV
Most popular comparisons
Filter streaming services
Finding the best streaming service that meets your requirement has never been easy due to the availability of so many options. As a result, we generally become confused about which option will suit our taste. This is the reason we developed this streaming service comparison tool. It will save your time researching streaming platforms at different blogs and help you compare streaming services instantly.
We have covered all aspects of the OTT Platform and regularly update the features to provide current pricing, channels, add-ons features. I will guide you on choosing the best streaming services for you by comparing different streaming services using this tool. We will compare all factors of streaming platforms that matter most to us.
Streaming services free trial
Whenever we subscribe to any service, we like to test its features through a free trial offer. Most of the streaming providers offer a free trial of varying duration. You can also filter the streaming services based on free trial duration. There are four options for the free trial duration.
- 0 Days (No free trial)
- 1-7 Days
- 8-29 Days
- 30+ Days
However, few streaming platforms do not provide any free trial to their subscribers. Instead of a free trial, the subscriber gets a money-back guarantee of 7 to 30 days. You can check out streaming services free trial on our dedicated blog page.
Streaming service subscription cost comparison
The most important factor of any product remains its pricing. Therefore, you need to figure out your monthly or annual budget that you are willing to spend on streaming services. We have divided pricing into five groups starting from the free streaming services.
As you know, streaming services offer various subscription package as per subscriber requirements. Therefore, we have taken the starting price of all streaming services.
- Free Streaming services
- $10
- $11-$20
- $21-$50
- $50+
You will need to check the option you are willing to pay and click submit tab. The streaming services comparison tool will filter all Streaming services that match your pricing. You can click any of the results to find different subscription plans being offered by that platform with exact pricing and features.

Simultaneous Streams
When we compare streaming services, one of the most crucial aspects is the availability of simultaneous streams. It determines the number of screens you can watch online content simultaneously with a single subscription. The more number of screens available, the more economical it would be. It helps subscribers to share accounts with others and do not need to buy subscriptions individually.
In the streaming services comparison tool, there are four options to choose from.
- One
- 2-3
- 4-5
- 6+
Streaming service providers have started offering streams as an add-on package. The subscribers get a limited number of screens like 1-3 with their primary subscription. If they wish to get more simultaneous screens, they need to buy additional screens as an add-on package. For example, AT&T TV now DirecTV offers up to 20 concurrent streams and Fubo extra subscription package offers unlimited concurrent streams.
Live TV/VOD (Video On Demand)
The internet TV concept started with VOD (Video On Demand) services which later developed into live TV streaming. VOD or OTT( Over The Top) apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video offers quality content that can be watched online at any time. However, there is no live content like TV Channels, live news, live sports on Video On Demand apps. In contrast to VOD, live streaming apps offer live TV channels, live sports, live news and live movies and TV shows.
In addition, to live programs, you will find video-on-demand content on live tv streaming apps. Therefore, live TV streaming services are costlier than Video-on-demand subscriptions. Some popular live TV streaming services are Fubo TV, Philo TV, Youtube TV, Sling TV, DirecTV, Paramount Plus and Vidgo TV.
While comparing live TV streaming services or Video-on-demand, the streaming services comparison tool user can filter by checking this option on and off. When you turn on this tab, only live TV services will be shown in the results. In case you turn this option off, all services will be shown in the results.
Number of channels
When we cut the cable cord and replace it with internet TV, we look for our favorite channels available with live TV streaming platforms. Be its sports channels, kids’ channels, news channels or entertainment.
Some of the popular TV Networks are given below:
- USA Network
- Fox
- Comedy Central
- Nickelodeon
- Cinemax
Not all the channels are available with all streaming apps. You can find out channels details by visiting the streaming service review page. We have added total channel features with this tool. We will bring the new part in the next update where you can filter streaming apps by channel name.
You can filter streaming apps by the number of available channels.
However, the number of channels varies with the different subscription plans. Therefore, we have taken the number of channels available with the base price.
While comparing streaming apps, make a list of channels that are essential for you. After that, start comparing different streaming platforms having all the required channels.
There are four options available while filtering services based on the number of channels:
- O channels (VOD)
- 1-50 channels
- 51-150 channels
- 150+ channels
The local channels depend on the subscriber’s location. Therefore, you will need to check the local channels from the official website of the streaming app.
DVR Storage
The primary difference between cable TV and internet TV is the accessibility of content at any time and on any streaming device. So, for example, if you are busy with work and don’t want to miss your favorite live show or sports match, you can store its recording in DVR storage.
Most of the live TV streaming apps offer DVR storage. For example, Youtube TV and Philo are offering unlimited DVR storage. However, most streaming services provide limited DVR storage ranging from 20 hours to 500 hours of storage.
Unlike Live TV streaming, Video-on-demand apps do not offer cloud storage. As a result, the content is always available in VOD apps and there is no need to record the shows or live matches.
The customers who wish to get more cloud storage can buy a cloud storage add-on. For example, FuboTV offers 500 hours of cloud storage at a cost of $9.99 a month. Similarly, other streaming players offer cloud storage add-ons.
There is also an option to filter streaming apps by cloud storage available. In the comparison tool, there are five options available:
- 0 Hours
- 50 Hours
- 100 Hours
- 250 Hours
- Unlimited
Unlike other filters, you can select multiple options in DVR storage as per your requirements.
Streaming Resolution
Streaming resolution is another factor to consider while comparing streaming services. If you have a limited internet data budget, you will prefer to go with SD or HD resolution. In contrast, you will like to watch content online in 4K with unlimited internet data plans.
Not all the streaming apps provide 4K streaming. When we compare the availability of SD and 4K content, the quantity of SD is far ahead. With the internet plans becoming more economical, the customers have started considering streaming resolution as an essential factor while selecting streaming players. Therefore, the streaming apps have been including 4K content in their digital library.
In addition to 4K content availability, your streaming device should be compatible with 4K streaming. If you are buying a new streaming player, look for 4K compatible streaming devices. You will get the option to compare streaming services based on resolution.
- SD
- HD
- 4K
Supported devices
Unlike cable service, which is limited to TV only, streaming services are compatible with TVs, smartphones, laptops, tablets, game consoles, and other media streaming players. However, not all the services support all devices. So before signing up for any streaming app, you need to check out whether it supports your device or not.
We have included a list of streaming devices. You can select the devices you want to be compatible with the streaming app you will sign up for.
- Windows
- Mac
- iPhone/iPad
- Amazon FireTV
- Apple TV
- Google Chromecast
- Android TV
- Roku
- Android Phone/tablet
- Playstation
- Xbox
- Samsung smart TV
- LG Smart TV
Popular Niche
We have divided the streaming services category-wise. Therefore, if you are looking for a specific type of content, you can filter streaming services based on niche.
- Sports
- Kids
- Entertainment
- Local channels
With all these filters available, you can easily find the best streaming service for you that matches your requirements and is within your monthly budget. After applying the above filters, you will get few streaming apps that match your need and budget. You might face confusion in choosing the best among these few streaming apps shown in the result. We have covered this issue also. You can compare those streaming services side by side using this tool.
Compare Streaming Services

Once you filtered the 4-5 best streaming platforms, you must compare them to finalize the one you will sign up for. The comparison will be based on pricing, free trial duration, streaming resolution, number of channels, DVR storage, concurrent stream and availability of local channels. In addition, it would be helpful to consider the editor’s review and other subscriber’s ratings who have used the streaming service before.
We have included all these features in this Streaming service comparison platform. You can compare up to three streaming services at a time. You need to type the streaming name directly in the comparison box to start comparing the streaming apps. Once you start typing, the name will pop up and click the streaming title as shown above image.
You can also add the streaming services for comparison from the filtered results by clicking the “Add to Comparison” tab. It will be added to the comparison box, then click on compare tab.

As you click the “Compare tab,” the streaming service comparison page will be opened. You will find the comparison table of all three apps, along with ratings. When you scroll down on the page, the editor review section will be visible. Click on it and the streaming service detail review will be opened. You can go through subscription plans, add-ons, channels available and other essential details on the review page.

At the end of the comparison page, the best streaming service will be suggested out of three streaming apps. This is how you can subscribe to the best streaming platform in your budget and fulfill your needs.