I rate Screambox a 6.2 on 10. Screambox is dedicated solely to horror films. However, like its competitor, it also provides ad-free and unedited material.
When it comes to exclusive material, though, it falls short. Shudder delivers more than twice as much exclusive content as Screambox. Screambox is wrong because the tagline "horror you won't find anyplace else" is false. Instead, it's intended to give the impression that Screambox has deep cuts and uncommon treasures. While the films are obscure, just a few are worth watching.
Only 11 films have an IMDb.com rating of 5.0 or higher (out of 10.0) and a ReelGood.com rating of 50 or higher (out of 100). In fact, the Screambox app library is littered with egregiously terrible horror movies, the kind you watch only out of boredom, curiosity, or search fatigue, and then rage-quit before the credits roll.
Screambox compensates for this by allowing you to go in and peruse anything they have without creating an account. As a result, you can form an opinion by reading descriptions and viewing trailers (when available).Screambox app also has several free exclusives available to watch.